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<   Emergency, Water Leak and Displays
Alarm Integrators and Annunciators
 AX-MA.pdf / Alarm Integration Modules
 AX-AA.pdf / Alarm Annunciator - 1,2,3 and 4 channel
LCD and LED Displays
 AX-LCD1-SS.pdf / LCD mounted to a single gang Stainless Steel front plate
 AX-LCD-1.pdf / LCD Voltmeter mounted on a single gang ABS front plate
 AX-LCD-2.pdf / Dual LCD display 24V supply
 AX-LCD-3.pdf / Three x 3 digit LCD dispaly
 AX-LED-3.pdf / Three x 3 digit LED display
 AX-LED-57.pdf / 57mm LED layout
 AX-DSP-4.pdf / Stainless steel display panel with upto 4 LCD
 AX-DSP-8.pdf / Stainless steel display panel wiht upto 8 LCD
Water Leak Detection and Extension Timer
 AX-WLD2.pdf / Waterleak Detection Module
 AX-WRS1.pdf / Rain sensor with 1m cable for WLD
 AX-WLD-DTA.pdf / AX-WLD-DTA & AX-WPS Drip tray alarm and point sensor
 AX-WCS.pdf / Water leak detection cable
 AX-WCS-HF.pdf / Premium Water Cable Sensor
 AX-WCS-EL.pdf / Water Leak Detection Cable Sensor for AX-WLD2 Modules
 AX-WCSF-EL.pdf / Water Leak Detection Cable Sensor for AX-WLDF Modules
 AX-WPS.pdf / Water Point Sensor
 AX-WLDF.pdf / Water leak detection module - four zone
 AX-WLDF-P.pdf / Premium Water Cable Sensor
 AX-CDM.pdf / Condensation detector module
 AX-PET.pdf / Plant Extension Timer
 AX-PETL.pdf / Plant Extension Timer
Drip Tray Dectection
 AX-DTS-B.pdf / Drip Tray Switch
 AX-WLD-DT-M.pdf / Drip Tray Monitor - Modbus RTU
Diesel Leak Detection
 AX-DLD.pdf / Diesel Leak Det Alarm Module with Optical Sensor for Diesel Leak Det Alarm Module
Emergency Products
 AX-EP-FM1.pdf / Firemans Switch
 AX-EP-TL2.pdf / Electro Thermal Link
 AX-EP-EM1.pdf / Emergency Stop Button
 AX-MICROSW.pdf / Door and Window Microswitch Contacts