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 <<  |  <  |   AX-PM - PM2.5/PM10 Particulate Matter Transmitter
AX-PM-VI / PM2.5/PM10 0-1000ug/m3 transmitter with selectable voltage or current output POA Qty
Add suffix (-x) for Additional passive thermistor output. Choose one of the below thermistor types. Eg -T for Trend. / POA Qty
T - 10K3A1 Trend / POA Qty
D - 30K3A1 Drayton / POA Qty
1K - PT1000a Cylon / POA Qty
3K - 3K3A1 Alerton / POA Qty
50K - 50K6 Priva / POA Qty
J - 2.2K Johnsons / POA Qty
A - 10K4A1 York, Andover / POA Qty
N1K - Ni1000a Siemens / POA Qty
SAT - Satchwell / POA Qty
H - 20K6A1 Honeywell / POA Qty
100 - PT100a Serek / POA Qty
TAC - 1K87A1 TAC / POA Qty

The AX-PM particulate matter transmitter is suitable for use in ventilation applications. It uses laser light scattering principle to measure particles of sizes PM2.5 and PM10 . The unique data acquisition and calibration techniques used in the product ensure high accuracy and long term reliability. This data can be used as a reference in ventilation control systems to improve the overall air quality.
Product Features
• Detection range - PM10/PM2.5 0-1000ug/m3
• Voltage and current outputs selectable using jumper
• Laser scattering principle used for detection.
• Suitable for outdoor applications
• Easy installation with plug-in connections
• Optional temperature sensor

Power Supply
24Vac ±10%, 100mA maximum or 24Vdc ± 10%, 60mA maximum
Detection Principle
Laser scattering
Particle Size
PM2.5,PM10 (selectable using jumper)
0-10Vdc at 5mA maximum load
4-20mA at 600 Ohms max

Output Range
Output Resolution
Output Accuracy
± 10% of FS
Response Time(t90)
< 10 Seconds
Settling Time
3 minutes after power up
Life Expectancy
>3 years dependant on environment
Ambient Temperature & Humidity
-10 to +60°C, 0­80% RH non­condensing
Storage Temperature
-40 to +80°C
Enclosure Material
Ingress Protection
Dimensions & Weight
162 x 132 x 55 mm
Rising clamp for 0.5-1.5mm˛ , 2 Part Pluggable
2 Years
Country of Origin

AX-PM.pdf / PM2.5/PM10 0-1000ug/m3 transmitter with selectable voltage or current output